Hi all,
again I would like to thank you for your feedback, all of your suggestions will be added to the list for the Switch product manager to review and prioritize.
May I ask you to report any other suggestions you might have by mailing us at
feature@enfocus.com, or by using the form on our website (
http://www.enfocus.com/en/support/reque ... rt-problem). The mailbox linked to that address and form are constantly monitored by the Enfocus Support Team so you are assured your suggestions are looked at and processed, while posting them here is not a 100% guarantee they'll end up with the right person.
We also like to notify you by email whenever one of your suggestions made it into a Switch release, this forum doesn't provide us with your email address (even though I know the address of some of you, I don't know it for everybody) which would make it more challenging to inform you.
Thanks for your understanding and looking forward to see more suggestions at
Kind regards,