Adobe CC w/ Switch

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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by Danny »

Hello All,

Has anyone tried using adobe's CC applications with Switch? I am going to try Photoshop CC but was wondering if anyone has had any issues. The Switch documentation states it supports CS3-CS6. No mention of CC.

Any feedback would be appreciated,

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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by freddyp »

CC is not officially supported in Switch 11 update 4. It will be in update 5.

We have tried this of course and it does sometimes work, but not always. If Photoshop is installed in the "regular" location Switch will find it, but when you have installed it in a different directory it will not, not even when use "Set path to application". There is an also an issue when you use the multiple language support. We have not tested every possible situation with all of the different operating system versions, so there is room for more potential problems.

I'd say it is definitely worth giving it a try, but success is not guaranteed.

if you do try it, please share your experience on the forum.

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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by verstraete »


Does anyone know if it will be possible to check fonts in the Adobe Illustrator CC configurator?

The Illustrator configurator now doesn't support this function.


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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by carineb »

Hi David,

the main goal is to make sure you can use the current functionality available in the Adobe configurators in combination with Adobe CC.

Of course we love to hear about any functionalities you feel are missing as - when deciding which new features to add first - it's important to focus on those that bring most value to you. Feel free to send in any requests you might have to

If you'd require an option to check fonts in Illustrator within Switch urgently, it might be handy to know the configurator allows to run scripts for Adobe applications as well, so if you'd have a script for Illustrator that is able to check fonts, there is a good chance you'll be able to run it from within the configurator.

Hope this answers your question?

Kind regards,

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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by verstraete »


Thank you for your answer.

I have one more question about it. Do we need the Switch scripter module to use a script in the Illustrator configuration?

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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by carineb »

No, if you want to run a script inside the Illustrator configurator, you'll only need the Configurator Module. The script itself would be written outside of Switch and is seen as a regular 'property' value, a bit like a 'Joboptions' file can be used as in the Distiller configurator for example.

You'd start by writing (or finding) a script for Illustrator and making sure it returns the desired results when ran inside Illustrator (without Switch).

Once you have a script that works fine in Illustrator, there are a few things to be adjusted in order to run it successfully within the Illustrator configurator.

You can find more details and some sample scripts on this page within the Switch documentation: ... tions.html

Kind regards,


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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by verstraete »


I have a short and simple script written in applescript that I want to use in enfocus Switch.

Can someone help me with it?

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"


tell current document

set resolution of raster effect settings to 300.0



end tell

end tell


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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by dkelly »

If you have Scripting module just use the existing AppleScript code.
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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by freddyp »

Not quite. In SwitchScripter you can use Applescript, but to make the script well behaved in a Switch flow (using properties, failing jobs, sending jobs to the outgoing connection, etc.) there are a few extra things you have to do. Here is what the script should look like:

on jobarrived( s, j )

set Current_Switch_Server to system attribute "Current_Switch_Server"

tell application Current_Switch_Server

using terms from application "Switch_Service"

set jobPath to path of j

set scriptResult to "/OK/"

end using terms from

end tell

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"

set user interaction level to never interact


open jobPath as alias

tell current document

set resolution of raster effect settings to 300.0



end tell

on error errmsg number errnum

set scriptResult to ("/ERROR/:" & errmsg)

end try

end tell

tell application Current_Switch_Server

using terms from application "Switch_Service"

if scriptResult contains "/ERROR/"

fail j message scriptResult


send to single j path jobPath

end if

end using terms from

end tell

end jobarrived
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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by verstraete »

Thank you for the information, but I don't have Switch scripter module.

I do have the configuator module.

Is it possible to use it as a generic application?

How can I make this work?


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Adobe CC w/ Switch

Post by freddyp »

Then you can create an application in Automator that runs your Applescript and use that application in the "Apple Automator" element.

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