Could someone give a timeline for the release of the configurators for Word 2013 (been in release for some time now) and Quark 10 for Windows?
Our customers are providing these files and we have to process them manually, which defeats the purpose of purchasing Switch.
Configurators needed for Word 2013 and Quark 10 (PC)
Configurators needed for Word 2013 and Quark 10 (PC)
Quark 10 is part of Switch 12. It now also has support for outputting PDF directly instead of just Postscript which you then still had to distill.
Word 2013 is not yet supported in Switch 12, hopefully in update 1 (but as always that does not count as a promise).
Word 2013 is not yet supported in Switch 12, hopefully in update 1 (but as always that does not count as a promise).
Configurators needed for Word 2013 and Quark 10 (PC)
Where can I find the Windows configurator for Quark 10 in Switch 12? We have version 12 of Switch, but the Quark configurator will still not run.
I guess I will un-install Office 2013 and go down to Office 2010 while we wait for update 1.
I guess I will un-install Office 2013 and go down to Office 2010 while we wait for update 1.
Configurators needed for Word 2013 and Quark 10 (PC)
The Quark configurator is only available for OS X. The reason is that there is a (limited) Applescripting capability, but on Windows Quark offers no VBA scripting functionality.