Move preflighted files

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Move preflighted files

Post by jocke.f »


I'm new with Switch, and need some help.

I want to move preflighted PDF's back to the origin folder. Where it makes a new subfolder called Preflight.

We have all our jobs in sertain ordernumbers. And in the subfolders we have different folders for Impo, RIP, Original, Correcture to Customer.

So it would be great to get the files back into correct ordernumber.

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Move preflighted files

Post by freddyp »

Putting processed files back into the original location is usually not a good idea. "Submit hierarchy" will pick up files from a folder structure and remove the files from there. There is an option to specify that it should keep the original files in the original location, but this is not viable when the folder structure has thousands of files over a long period of time.

What you can do when you put the processed files back into the original hierarchy, is to put the files in special subfolders and you configure "Submit hierarchy" to ignore those folders. The "Archive hierarchy" at the end of the flow should point to the same root and you should use "Add hierarchy" at the beginning. One more caveat: put the subfolder levels to 99, in the subfolder level for scanning the submit hierarchy, in the levels to be remembered for the hierarchy path, and in the subfolder levels in the archive hierarchy.

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