How I can define (by script) a Report for checkpoint?

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How I can define (by script) a Report for checkpoint?

Post by freddyp »

The report that is shown when you click on View report in Switch Client is the file that is in the dataset. In most cases for PitStop Server reports that will be a PDF report that has been attached as a dataset by "Data with log".

You could use a script to attach any file you want as the dataset, but what file type will that be? Text? That will work: Switch Client will open the text file with a text editor. Is that what you want?

If you want "Wow, it's a critical error" to show up in the regular PDF report, use an action list instead of a preflight check. In that action list you select the objects that are the reason for this critical error message and you end the action list with the action "Log selection" and there you can type any message you want.

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How I can define (by script) a Report for checkpoint?

Post by _olq »

I have a similar question.

How to show in checkpoint status of preflighting (Success, Warning, Error)?

Are there any metadata that can be used for this purpose?

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How I can define (by script) a Report for checkpoint?

Post by freddyp »

In the PitStop Server element you can specify the name of an additional XML dataset. That will add the preflight report as XML and you can access that as regular metadata. To display that in a checkpoint you add a single-line text and for the default value you browse to the metadata (and you will probably want to set it to read-only in most cases).

The xpath:


will give you the number of errors, etc.

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