Settings in user preferences

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Settings in user preferences

Post by Henros »


Is there any recommandations about the setting

"Stop processing if free diskspace is..."

Our staff says that Windows not will recognize problems (report errors) with diskspace in PowerSwitch, if we set this value to high. Now 500 MB.

PowerSWITCH 09, upd 3

Windows Server Enterprise SP2
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Settings in user preferences

Post by bens »

Windows (at least XP, but I think other versions as well) will give a warning when there is less than 200 MB available. In my opinion, this is much too low for modern systems, and Windows should warn earlier.

That being said, the Switch setting is quite independent of what Windows does. The Switch setting depends mainly on 1) the size of the files you process and 2) what you do with them. If you only process small files, the setting can be quite low. If however you use large files, you should increase the setting. For example, if you regularly process 100 MB images in Photoshop, it makes no sense to continue processing until you have only 200 MB available: opening the file in Photoshop could already require more space on your scratch disk.

Without knowing the details of your situation, I would recommend leaving it at 500 MB for now, and increasing it if you notice degraded performance (assuming you have enough CPU power and RAM).
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