Since a couple of version there has been a change in behavior as far as the installation of the PitStop Server configurator is concerned. It is no longer Switch that installs it, but PitStop Server. In that way it is ensured that the version of the PitStop Server configurator is always in sync with the version of PitStop Server itself.
This implies, however, that you should install PitStop Server AFTER you installed Switch.
Another change is that the PitStop Server does not always update its list of central profiles whenever you click on "Select from library". It only loads the list when it is first used. To force the PitStop Server configurator to rebuild the list, right click on the the PS configurator element and choose "Search for application". When you then use the "Select from library" function you will see it takes a bit longer as it is building up the list.
If those two things do not work, contact support.