The default number of holes for this action is two. I am wanting to add a third ellipse to for a standard 3-hole punch. I am having some difficulty doing this. I am not very experienced with PitStop Pro as I have only been using minor aspects of the program for about a month.
It seems overly complicated to add an ellipse. I don't know why I can't just add an ellipse and call it done. Instead there are about 4 other actions I need to complete to successfully code the new action. Finding several of them was not difficult. I needed to, in order, Select All > Add ellipse > Select last added object > Assign Objects to Layer. I found a function in the Action List for all but the last item, Assign Objects to Layer. It will not simply let me copy and paste an action from the list, and this function seems to be missing from the list of actions I am able to do. I have checked every category.
Saving the action and trying to run it without that step results in an error kicking back and telling me the action was configured improperly. Can somebody please help me figure this out?
Thank you
Add Punch Holes to Layer
Re: Add Punch Holes to Layer
In the Layer category there should be "Add objects to layers" and "Add objects to layer with name". You'll probably want to use the latter, because the former requires a selected layer first.
The checkbox "Remove from other layers" toggles between adding an object to a layer while keeping it on the other layers as well, or assigning it to a single layer and removing it from all other layers.
BTW if you just want an ellipse added without placing them on a specific layer, then 2 actions are enough:
Select all
Add Ellipse
The Select all is required to select the pages on which to add the ellipse. If you wanted to, you could add the punch hole on all but the first and last page, on every second page, etc. PitStop in general, and Action Lists specifically, are a very powerful tool. As is often the case, some of that power is paid for by complexity.
The checkbox "Remove from other layers" toggles between adding an object to a layer while keeping it on the other layers as well, or assigning it to a single layer and removing it from all other layers.
BTW if you just want an ellipse added without placing them on a specific layer, then 2 actions are enough:
Select all
Add Ellipse
The Select all is required to select the pages on which to add the ellipse. If you wanted to, you could add the punch hole on all but the first and last page, on every second page, etc. PitStop in general, and Action Lists specifically, are a very powerful tool. As is often the case, some of that power is paid for by complexity.