Has anyone prepared a solution for getting feedback from press to know the daily number of click by using JMF ?
Hp indigo ClickCount JMF
Re: Hp indigo ClickCount JMF
I haven't played with it but the Status JMF sent to a press device returns ProductionCounter and TotalProductionCounter. Perhaps those will give you what you want?
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<JMF xmlns="http://www.CIP4.org/JDFSchema_1_1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" SenderID="MIS System" TimeStamp="2006-04-19T17:47:10-07:00" Version="1.2">
<Query ID="misb4c3c9f88d02c8ea" Type="Status" xsi:type="QueryStatus">
<StatusQuParams DeviceDetails="Details" />
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Code: open-automation & dominickp @ GitHub
Tools: Switch, Pitstop, EPMS, Veracore, PageDNA, SmartStream, Metrix
Code: open-automation & dominickp @ GitHub
Tools: Switch, Pitstop, EPMS, Veracore, PageDNA, SmartStream, Metrix