Check for color

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Check for color

Post by mr.brown »

I would like to check my document for colors, only I do not get it done as I would like.
1. Registrations marks (spot color all) is reported as error, but this is correct and I do not want the error.
2. NChannel (multiple process color) Color space CMYK, channel black; is also indicated as an error, but this is not a problem and I do not want this as a error.

I just want an error if there are objects that are RGB or CMY are LAB colors.
Black/gray/nchannel black are oke and not wrong i my case.

So please help me!
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Re: Check for color

Post by bens »

There are probably several ways to do this, but the most flexible will be with an Action List.
The checks for RGB and Lab can be done with a simple "Check color type". The check for CMY is a bit more complex - but don't worry it's not that hard to understand.
We're going to use a combination of select actions with "Log selection". Note that there is a "Select color range", which can select all objects with a color in a specific range. If you set this to CMYK, and set the ranges as: C 0-0; Y 0-0; M 0-0; K 0-100, then it will select all CMYK objects with only K. But we want to give an error if there are objects with the inverse of that: objects with have C, M and/or Y. This can be achieved by following the select with a NOT operator:

Select by color range

The problem here is that NOT inverses *all* selections, meaning that everything that was not selected now *is* selected. This includes all non-CMYK objects, and hence includes gray objects. To prevent that, we can explicitly select all CMYK objects, and combine them using AND:

Select by color range
Select by color space (CMYK)

Adding a Log selection and the checks for RGB and Lab gives the complete Action List:

Select all
Check color type (RGB)
Check color type (Lab)
Select by color range (C 0-0; M 0-0; Y0-0; K 0-100)
Select by color space (CMYK)
Log selection

You may need to repeat the CMY part of the Action List to cover all types (fill, stroke, images).
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