Excluding a Folder on FTP

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Excluding a Folder on FTP

Post by aoswood »

We just purchased SWITCH and are attempting to create FTP checking Flow.

I have it checking a directory on the FTP every 10 minutes. Take that file uncompress it and move it to a folder on our file server. It sends an email about the files being available.

The issue I am having is there is a Directory in the FTP directory that I do not want downloaded. I created an exception in the FTP Receive but every time I start up the flow it process'es this folder. How can I get the exception to ignore this folder.

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Joined: Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:50 am

Excluding a Folder on FTP

Post by jonasy »

Is the folder you want to ignore a direct subfolder of the folder you set in the "FTP Directory" setting? If so, then the following rule should do the trick:

Excluding folders named

Folder Name: FolderNameToIgnore

On levels: 1

Restriction: None

Nesting: Exclude nested subfolders as well

Kind Regards,

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