Expanding a Stroke with Pitstop

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Expanding a Stroke with Pitstop

Post by M@CK »

Like the title say,I want to expand strokes to fill, the only way I know to do it is with the Flattener Preview and sometime its not an option.

Thanks for the Help
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Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:13 am

Re: Expanding a Stroke with Pitstop

Post by bens »

Do you mean you want the fill to become the same colour as the stroke? This can be done with an Action List:

1. Select the objects you want to change
2. Optional: if the objects don't have fill yet, use "Change fill and/or stroke" to turn it on
3. Match fill and stroke colours
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Re: Expanding a Stroke with Pitstop

Post by M@CK »

Hey Bens, thanks for the reply but no that's not what I'm looking for. I want to outline the Strokes - Expand them to Fills - no more Strokes.
Sorry if I wasn't clear in my first post.
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Re: Expanding a Stroke with Pitstop

Post by bens »

Ah ok. Adobe's transparency flattener (which is included in Acrobat and PitStop Server) does this, but unfortunately only for pages which have transparency. You could do something like this (but make sure to carefully check your files afterwards to make sure nothing went wrong):

1. Add an object somewhere on the page - if you want to make sure it's not printed you can add it outside the media box. Make sure it doesn't cover any other object.
2. Make this object transparent.
3. Flatten transparency, making sure the setting "Convert all strokes to outlines" is on.
4. If the added object was not removed during transparency flattening, remove it.
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