Page Scaling Factor

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Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:35 am

Page Scaling Factor

Post by mattgaspar »

Is there any way to SET the page scaling factor? I see actions for apply and remove but no action for set. I would like to create a hot folder for documents that are 1/10 scale. A lot of our documents are scaled but they don't have a scale factor set. If I use the action "scale to fit page size" at 1000%, most files will exceed the 200 inch limit and pitstop server doesn't automatically apply a scaling factor.

What is the best way to preflight scaled documents with pitstop server? If I preflight the documents at 10% would I need to take all the checks and multiply the value by 10 or is there a better approach? (ex. to check min resolution at 72ppi I would need to set it to 720ppi)

If a page scaling factor is set but I don't use the action to apply it, will the checks take the scaling factor into account?
(applying the scaling factor would cause problems if the result size is greater than 200 inches)
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Re: Page Scaling Factor

Post by bens »

Unfortunately there is no automated way to set the page scaling; perhaps you could ask Enfocus to add it as a feature request. It can be set manually with a low-level PDF editor tool such as Enfocus Browser, but this can be quite a bit of work.

All checks should automatically take the page scaling into account, and your preflight checks should be written as if there were no page scaling. An image that needs to be 72 ppi should be checked as such (although 72 ppi sounds very low if your pages are that big).

I would strongly also recommend against applying the page scaling unless you are absolutely sure the result will be less than 200 inches.
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