XML Pickup tool and metadata

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XML Pickup tool and metadata

Post by mostafa_hamdy »

Hello all

I have two questions please ,

1- I want to know how the XML pickup tool work please if you may send me a flow example contains the XML pickup tool and the XML file structure please

2-I want to know how can I use the metadata which I submit them from switch client in a connection condition , if you may please send me the scrip line which may lead me to do that

Best regards

Harald Mahrer
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XML Pickup tool and metadata

Post by Harald Mahrer »


an short answer for your second question:

When You have Your submitpoint "equipped" with Your Metadatafields, you may approached them in the "condition"-enviroment of Power-Switch, choosing:

Metadata > Text > entering in the 3 lines on the right:

1st line: //field[tag='YourFieldName']/value YourFieldName is the name You gave the field when creating it.

Be sure not to make mistakes on the slashes, brackets and ' (no " instead of them)

2nd line: YourDatasetName (You entered it at the submitpoint or if you did not, the default is: Submit)

3rd line: XML

With this You can approach the Metadatafield-Values by fieldname, as long as within the dataset all fields are named with unique name.

There are other methods, basicly approaching the fields by their "number", but this causes troubles when You change the order of your fields in your dataset later on, so try this method.

Best regards from Vienna.

Harald Mahrer

PS You'll find a lot of information about all this in "Switch-Help", but this method is not really well documented, so I posted it here.

You also won't find in the Help-Files, that You can only use one level of dependency of fields when creating Your dataset-structure. There is a option: "Show only if master field equals to:" But nowhere is written that the "Master" MUST NOT be a slave himself. You can create such fields, but the won't be written in Your XML.

If You want to make Your field visible, when the value of the master matches with more than one value, than You have to enter them seperated by semicolons without any blanks that are not part of the value. For example:

value 1;value 2 would match "value 1" and "value 2" but not "value 3" nor "value 1 "

As You can't use placeholders like *, this "Only visible if..."-thing only makes sense, if the master is of type "choice".
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XML Pickup tool and metadata

Post by dkelly »

Hello, there's at least one sample XML Pickup flow in the Solutions library.

http://www.crossroads-world.com/en/get% ... 0name.aspx

What type of XML were you wanted to pickup? Is the metadata stored in a separate file along side of the asset file or it embedded in the asset file?


Dwight Kelly

Apago, Inc.

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XML Pickup tool and metadata

Post by mostafa_hamdy »

Hello there

many many thanx about ur rapid reply and really was usefull so much to me, I set the metadata mode to "Metadata is asset" and the metadata is stored to separat XML file , but what I couldn't do is how can I reterive the values from the XML,, please if u get what I mean and can help me I will be thankful so much to u

best regards

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XML Pickup tool and metadata

Post by dkelly »

Switch has built-in support for several types of metadata including EXIF, IPTC and XMP. Is your metadata one of these types?

For example, if you want to retreive the Exif unique ID in an image file you could use the script expression:

job.getVariableAsNumber( "[Photo.ImageUniqueID]" );

Can you give an example of the type of information you want to retrieve?

Dwight Kelly

Apago, Inc.

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XML Pickup tool and metadata

Post by Deaken »

Is XML-pickup not supported in fullswitch? I am running a trialversion of full-switch but I can't find the XML pickup anywhere.
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XML Pickup tool and metadata

Post by dkelly »

FullSwitch does not support XML pickup. Full read/write support for metadata (XMP, XML, JDF, EXIF and IPTC) is only available in PowerSwitch
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