action list using 'NOT' operator

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action list using 'NOT' operator

Post by PTS »

I need an action list to log the text and images which are not in K-100% i.e C:0,M:0,Y:0,K:100

I included the below items but action list is not working. Let me know the error in these lines and help to fine-tune.

select fill color (Attributes: fill - CMYK (C:0,M:0,Y:0,K:100)
Log selection (msg: selected text is not k-100%)
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Re: action list using 'NOT' operator

Post by bens »

Could you elaborate on exactly what is not working?

Something to remember for the NOT operator is that it selects everything that is not selected by the previous action. In your case, anything that does not have CMYK (0,0,0,100) fill will be selected. That includes objects without fill, objects with RGB or Gray fill, etc. But also clipping paths, form objects, and even page objects and the document object. So your Action List will probably log too much. To restrict to only images (I question the usefulness of images with only 100% K though) and text, you can do something like this:

Select text
Select images
Select fill color
Log selection

Also note that the Select fill color action will only select that exact colour. It will not select an object with 100% K plus 5% Y. If you want that, you should check out the "Select color range" action.
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