Fine multiple colors in one step

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Joined: Fri May 19, 2017 3:03 pm

Fine multiple colors in one step

Post by postworek »

I have a list of colors and I want to check if objects in an artwork use any of colors from the list. Currently, each color to be checked needs its own group of actions (which in general, consists of two action: select objects by spot color name and then log if there are any of objects selected). As these groups differ only by the name of the spot color I wonder, is it possible to create a loop in PitStop and use only one group with input in form of some kind of variable (ie. list of colors dived by "|").
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Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:13 am

Re: Fine multiple colors in one step

Post by bens »

Select spot color supports a list of names, or regular expressions: ... color.html
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