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Re: SmartStream 12 + Adobe InDesign 2017

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:13 pm
by sander
I'm not sure if jdf is case sensitive, but since XSL/XML etc. is I make that as a assumption.

So, your 13 jdf does have this differences. Lowercase your P in the 17 jdf to start with:
AutomatedOverprintParams » AutomatedOverPrintParams

Re: SmartStream 12 + Adobe InDesign 2017

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:15 pm
by LasseThid
I made that change in the jdf and put it in the hotfolder, but it was moved to the error folder and then deleted.
I did however notice that there seems to be a problem with the press at the moment, so I'll try again later.

Re: SmartStream 12 + Adobe InDesign 2017

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 2:27 pm
by sander
Ha, too bad :)

However, I bet it won't error out with a press which is down.

I notice your JobPriority is different, it's within the <ResourcePool> node @ 17.

Other changes over here. Can't be hard to debug, we are almost there ;)

Left = 13.

Re: SmartStream 12 + Adobe InDesign 2017

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:46 am
by LasseThid
Well, in a way it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out that the rip software that needs to be updated in order for the "new" jdf file to work, I mean what are the chances that HP would have the HP DFE JDF Controller create a jdf file that the rip can't process?
When it comes to the changes made in the configurator, the options for the parameters are Inline value, Single-line text with variables defined and Regular expression. Hence Job Name used to say Use asset file name as an inline value, but I changed it to the [Job Name] variable instead. Retain on dfe is also an inline value as is Use press default in Default media and None for the Comment, but as this flow doesn't use xml data I haven't used the Single-line text with variables defined to insert data for those parameters.
Could that be the reason for the jdf not working correctly?

Update: I just checked my work emails and apparantly my colleague had sent a log file from the rip to the technician who helps us where it clearly states Unknown device: DeviceID='Retain on dfe' is invalid.

SOLVED: The technician suggested that I'd replace the HP Digital Front End JDF configurator and copy the settings from the old configurator instead of using the updated configurator, so I added a new JDF configurator to the flow and just copy/pasted all settings or set them to the same value as in the old configurator, connected the new configurator and removed the old one, et voíla... The jdf is now accepted by the rip!!!

Next project will be to check the VDP flow, but I doubt there will be any problems other than having to replace the JDF configurator.

Re: SmartStream 12 + Adobe InDesign 2017

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:29 am
by sander
Great to hear man. That's the way I do with all configurators. Should have told you ;)

I just got myself a Switch 2017 trial, let's see what it can do!

Re: SmartStream 12 + Adobe InDesign 2017

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:09 pm
by LasseThid
No worries sander, some things are so obvious for us to do that we take for granted that others do them as well. Been there and done that a lot... :lol:

Thanks for your help though, much appreciated!