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Web-services vs Connect All and the Database-module

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:13 pm
by lombert
Can I get the same function of Web-service and Connect All then I need to talk to a database?

An small example.

I have a database that has some jobb info like customer, order number, colors, page and so on. I like to get some of the info then using Web-service or Connect All.

If I have a "file-drop-zone", either with Web-service or Connect All, that the customer uses and typ in there company name, in the next drop down list, just orders from that company shows up? And if I uses Connect All the preflight can use the info in a virtual preflight?

I hope this make some sense.. :)

Re: Web-services vs Connect All and the Database-module

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:54 pm
by lombert
I may have find some of the answer my self.

Find this line at Enfocus web; "Visualize content straight from a database in SwitchClient and Enfocus Connect ALL."

So that I wondering is possible to Connect All and I guess even from the web-service?