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Outlining Fonts with Print and View only License

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:00 pm
by Simon Miller
Hi all,

Is there an action list to convert all text to outlines when some of the fonts have a "Print and View Only" license?

The bundled action list will convert all but, the Print and View only fonts, you can outline them manually by selecting all the text and use the "convert to Outlines" command from the inspector, although it alerts you to the license restriction the first time. This method is fine for 1 or 2 page files, but when you have 40, 50 or 60 pages it can be very time consuming.

Thanks in advance for any help!


Re: Outlining Fonts with Print and View only License

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 1:38 pm
by abailescollins
Well it's actually breaking the end user license agreement you have for the fonts Simon, that's why you have to hit the button to say you accept the liability for doing it.
It's not something we really want just allow in PitStop I am afraid.

Just out of interest why do you need to convert to outlines, that's kind of frowned on now as very often the PDF needs to be edited or re-purposed?