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Switch 13, Adobe CC 2015 and SmartStream for CC 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 11:10 am
by LasseThid
I just updated my developer server to Switch 13, installed Adobe CC 2015 and SmartStream for 2015.
When I started one of my old flows I got errors from SmartStream Designer Imposition and HP DFE JDF Control. The DFE errors were easy to get rid of, but when I try to set the Paper Size in SmartStream Designer Imposition the library is empty when I choose Select from library.
I started InDesign and went to SmartStream Designer - Preferences and noticed that the settings for Paper that I want to use was gone, so I created a new Paper with the same settings as the old one, but still I can't select it in the SmartStream Designer Imposition.
Does anyone know where I can find the library for Paper Size or how to get the paper sizes back into Switch 13?

Re: Switch 13, Adobe CC 2015 and SmartStream for CC 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 8:54 am
by LasseThid
Problem solved.
2 things need to be done
1. Open InDesign and the Designer preferences window manually once. This creates the preferences file from which the configurator reads the paper sizes.
2. Additionally, there’s a bug in version 110 of the Imposition and Ganging configurators. If everything works fine after step 1, feel free to skip this step. If not, uninstall these 2 configurators, shut down the switch server, install the attached files and then restart the switch service. If after the Switch restart you don’t get a message saying configurators were modified, you did not restart Switch properly. Try to restart the computer instead
After reinstalling the two configurators HP SmartStream Designer is now working again.

Re: Switch 13, Adobe CC 2015 and SmartStream for CC 2015

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:16 pm
by ckuhlmann
I am facing the exact same issue. I have done both step one and two but still have blank library for paper size. Any help would be appreciated!

Re: Switch 13, Adobe CC 2015 and SmartStream for CC 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:29 pm
by sander
I once had the issue when Switching from 32bit to 64bit Adobe software.
Had to uninstall everything, find all folders/files of Adobe on your system, and reinstall Adobe x64 (in my case).

Too bad, but it did the job :)