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Adding Metadata without the Scripting module
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:19 pm
by ArielRauch
Is there a way to add a metadata field (and value) to a job without using the Scripting module.
Of course I mean without manual intervention (Submit/Checkpoint).
The only thing I can think of ( and I am not sure about this either) is using xslt.
Please advise,
Re: Adding Metadata without the Scripting module
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:49 pm
by gabrielp
Well... You could use an XML pickup, right? You can also cram stuff in the JobState or the filename. What are you trying to do?
Re: Adding Metadata without the Scripting module
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 7:52 am
by ArielRauch
Hi Gabriel,
I would like to store the email address of an sales agent for example:
The name (or id ) of this agent is chosen in a submit/checkpoint. In order to keep things clean I would like to store the sales agent name as is with the Metadata set and in a nextstep querying an XML file with the sales agent and email information and then assign it to my original Metadata.
Any ideas?
Re: Adding Metadata without the Scripting module
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:41 pm
by gabrielp
Is the reason you're doing that because you think the CSRs will change from time to time? Sounds like you'd have to update you submit point anyways.
Why not have the submit point have the CSR's in the drop down something like:
Then, you can get the email or the name by keying off of the delimiter (everything after the < and before the >). You could pull this from the XML data set that the submit point uses at any time, or for convenience, tie that value to JobState.
Would that work?
Re: Adding Metadata without the Scripting module
Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:54 pm
by ArielRauch
Thought of that too. It is my fall back solution.
For this specific case it is ok but if I need to combine more than one field it becomes clumsy.