Connect 13.1 Ships with PitStop 13 support!
Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:55 pm
Dear Connect users,
Today we released Connect 13.1 with support for PitStop 13. This includes custom preflight error messages, action list editing and support for the improved automatic bleed generation to include automatically bleeding image data when none is present.
In addition to this, we made a variety of enhancements to improve Connector distribution and updating. Plus, 13.1 support the new MacOS El Capitan and Windows 10.
Heres a link to the "What's New" page: ... ect-you-13
Connect 13.1 is a free update for anyone with Connect 13. Those of you with Connect 12 (or earlier) should write for more upgrade information.
Michael Reiher
Today we released Connect 13.1 with support for PitStop 13. This includes custom preflight error messages, action list editing and support for the improved automatic bleed generation to include automatically bleeding image data when none is present.
In addition to this, we made a variety of enhancements to improve Connector distribution and updating. Plus, 13.1 support the new MacOS El Capitan and Windows 10.
Heres a link to the "What's New" page: ... ect-you-13
Connect 13.1 is a free update for anyone with Connect 13. Those of you with Connect 12 (or earlier) should write for more upgrade information.
Michael Reiher