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Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:36 am
by xavi

One question .

I have account ftp where my costumers launch pdf,s , every costumer have your folder

What is the best workflow for preflight in start account ftp?
folder costumer-->preflight :( it's possible my crazy
folder general --> preflight :shock:

i think , every moment i receive report,s preflight is nos good for gestion

It's important , i have workflow Esko but too have pitstop server

thank you

Re: workflow_preflight

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:41 am
by LasseThid
Hi Xavi.

Does this look like it would work for you?


This flow checks the width, height and number of pages in all incoming pdf files from any folder on the FTP-server (you can include or exclude any folder you like) and pass that information along to our sales representatives (linked to each incoming folder).

Re: workflow_preflight

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:16 pm
by framar
hi all,
me also have planned to use a preflight workflow, in order to classify files before Printing, and to notify to the customer if something is not as expected.

So if someone has an example of e preflight profile, to check trimboxes exixtence, outside cutting areas, RGB or Solid Color existence, low resolution, overprint areas, and so on.

Thank you in advance for who can help me.
Thank you

Re: workflow_preflight

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:54 pm
by abailescollins
A good start is to look at the standard GWG profiles that are shipped with PitStop.
You can then modify them to suit your own needs.

If you are involved or packaging, labels or large format then let me know, we can add some useful new additions to preflight in those areas.