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Convert CMYK to CMYK

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:52 am
by LasseThid
Is it possible to somehow convert images in a PDF from Fogra 39 to PSO Uncoated ISO 12657 (ECI) using an action list?

Re: Convert CMYK to CMYK

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:43 am
by bens
Try something like this:

Override color management
-> be sure to enable color management for images, set the input CMYK profile to Fogra 39 and the output CMYK profile to PSO Uncoated ISO 12657
Select images
Select by tagged ICC profile
-> select objects where the Fill is CMYK and tagged with Fogra 39
Convert to CMYK
Tag with ICC profile
-> select the target profile SO Uncoated ISO 12657

The first action, Override color management, makes sure the correct colour management settings are used, regardless of the settings in the application.
The selections and the AND ensure only the correct images are selected. You can change this to select other objects if you want.
Convert to CMYK does the actual conversion. This uses the colour management settings set in the first action, but unfortunately doesn't re-tag. That's why we need the last action: Tag with ICC profile.

Re: Convert CMYK to CMYK

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:47 am
by LasseThid
Thanks bens.
I'll give it a try.