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Switch and XML

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:03 pm
by rgpepper
I want to externally create an XML file to associate with a PDF, I can't find any reference to the how-to's and abc's of:

Defining a data set
Correlating my fields in the XML file with Switch job attributes i.e. email address.

Because, I see fabricating an XML file via an AppleScript as the easiest way to gather the PDF I want to push into Switch, and the email address of that user and join them in Switch. So, do I have to use specific field names, or, what other information do I have to provide to Switch so I can pick XML field abc and tell Switch that the job's email address is in there?

Re: Switch and XML

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:22 pm
by gabrielp
Any chance you could explain a bit of context of this project? You can export datasets within Switch and you can also associate values with private data. You can also make XML files from other systems and import them as metadata within Switch.