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HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:44 pm
by jackson41
I am having a problem whereby when I extract the template name for the 'imposition template' field from my metadata using the single line text with variable defined. I get the following error.
Dynamic property 'impositionTemplate' has invalid value 'A4_2up_2pp_YPS'
When I enter the value 'A4_2up_2pp_YPS' as an inline value in the imposition template field, no error occurs.
Unfortunately I need to import the information from the metadata using single line text with variable defined, as the imposition field name changes for each product. I am having the same problem with the 'bannerSubstrate'
Dynamic property 'bannerSubstrate' has invalid value '200gsm gloss 320x460 house'
this is also pulled from the metadata using single line text with variables defined.
Any help gratefully appreciated.
Re: HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 1:58 pm
by sander
Got the same problem, I got in contact with the configurator developer and this was his response. I have been using this since June 2015 and haven't seen any issues.
I did some testing with the BannerSubstrate too and encountered the same problem, however I've not looked into it yet.
"I still think this is an Enfocus defect, but try this…
1. Add a Script element immediately after your JDF Configurator element.
2. Select the attached script on this email
3. Edit the properties of the script element and under the property “ImpositionTemplate” enter your variable data that you had in the configurator.
4. Change the configurator so that the imposition template value is set to some static value (doesn’t matter what, it will be overwritten by the script)."
Code: Select all
// Is invoked each time a new job arrives in one of the input folders for the flow element.
// The newly arrived job is passed as the second parameter.
function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )
var jdfDoc = new Document(job.getPath());
var jdfNS = jdfDoc.createDefaultMap();
var jdfLoc = job.createPathWithName(job.getName());
var fileSpec = jdfDoc.evalToNode("//jdf:JDF/jdf:ResourcePool/jdf:LayoutPreparationParams/jdf:ExternalImpositionTemplate/jdf:FileSpec", jdfNS);
if (fileSpec != null) {
var urlVal = "urn:" + s.getPropertyValue("ImpositionTemplate");
s.log(-1, "Adding URL attribute to ExtneralImpositionTemplate/FileSpec element with value of: \"" + urlVal + "\"");
fileSpec.addAttribute("URL", jdfNS, urlVal);
Re: HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:44 pm
by jackson41
Hi Sander
Thank you i will give this a go.
Many Thanks
Re: HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 3:35 pm
by gabrielp
I also had this issue and was also given that script which worked for me.
Re: HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:02 pm
by jackson41
Hi Both
I don't know if you can help but i now get the following message at the new script.
28/01/2016 14:49:27,Error,SwitchScript0,ECP Impo,SwitchScript0,005N8,DO-ECP-00046204 - ECP Fancy A Nibble Flyer - High Wycombe.pdf.mjm,Invalid XML document: C:/Users/david/AppData/Roaming/Enfocus/Switch Server/backing/ECP Impo/automanaged/Folder 4/_005N8_DO-ECP-00046204 - ECP Fancy A Nibble Flyer - High
Appreciate any help.
Many Thanks
Re: HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:10 pm
by sander
The script expects a JDF ticket as input, your seems to be a mime package?
Re: HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:17 pm
by jackson41
ah yes it is. Do you know if there is a work around for a mime package?
Re: HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:22 pm
by jackson41
Thank you all for your help i have now sorted this.
Re: HP Digital Front End JDF Control Configurator
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 10:13 pm
by sander
With the mime package? I'm interested how, not using it but still..