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Archiving flow

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:18 pm
by LasseThid
We place files for incoming orders in a folder structure based on order number.
These files are then added to the job created in our workflow system and once the job has been sent to print we export the finished job as a zip-file.

I would like to place the zip-file in the same folder as the original file we received from our customer and then compress that folder and move it to a different folder structure.

The first and the last part I think I can solve, but how do I choose the folder to be compressed?

Re: Archiving flow

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:15 pm
by gabrielp
You would need something to trigger that a job is finished and you would use that to create a file and send it into a flow that would Inject your job files as a new job, then compress, and archive to a different location.