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Metadata variable and the After filter

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 5:00 pm
by jackson41
Hi I don't know if anybody can help but in a metadata variable i need to isolate a file name from its path location.

For example C:\Jobs\FileLoctaion\A4_Poster.pdf- i need to isolate the pdf file name. Currently the way i am trying to do this is to use the 'After' filter where i enter '\FileLoctaion\' in the 'After' field and therefore i should be left with just A4_Poster.pdf but for some reason the filter does not like the last backslash in the 'After' field and the filter does not work and displays nothing.

If i enter '\FileLoctaion' without the last backslash the result is as expected \A4_Poster.pdf but this is not what i need, as i don't need th preceding backslash.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Re: Metadata variable and the After filter

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:41 pm
by gabrielp
What you described should work fine. You can test this by looking at the Job.Path variable and adding the preceding path in the "After" box:

I can't imagine why the "/" should be causing issues for you. Perhaps it is not a normal / and instead it is a weird encoding?

As a sanity check, this file path is a metadata variable only and not the Job.Name, right? Because if it's the job's name, Job.Name is the best place to get that.

Re: Metadata variable and the After filter

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:18 pm
by jackson41

Thanks for the info, the only difference between our two posts is that i am having an issue with a back slash and not a forward slash as illustrated in your screenshot. Do you think it could be the back slash that causes the problem?

Many Thanks Dave