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Get E-Mail Adress from Metadata or a file

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:22 pm
by congomonster

i need some help to pick up an email adress. I will send files back with email.
But how can i get the file to recognized the mail adress?

I have tried the opague pick up but that doesn't work. I have put an email adress in a text file and gave the text file and the image file the same name.
But that doesn't work.

I don't know anything about xml. How must the file structure be?

The best thing for me would be, that i can create an xml with php and pick them up with ftp.

Re: Get E-Mail Adress from Metadata or a file

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:11 pm
by gabrielp
The best thing for me would be, that i can create an xml with php and pick them up with ftp.
Do that, use XML pickup to pickup as "metadata is asset", then you can use "single line text with variables" > metadata > text > "build location value" find and place the email value where needed.