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How to keep Switch from duplicating jobs

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:23 pm
by printlab
Hello all,

How would i go about stopping switch from duplicating jobs. Here's what I have:
a folder with 5 jobs, I want to use the assemble job element to assemble 4 of those jobs into a single file, then use another assemble job element to assemble the left over job into a file.

My problem is that when I try to use two assemble jobs, one with Every 4 Jobs and the other with Every 1 jobs, I get duplicate jobs. all the files go through the Every 1 Jobs assemble job element, and four of the jobs go through the Every 4 jobs assemble jobs element and one job is left in the original folder. in the end I have 6 folders:
Folder1 with 1 job
Folder2 with 1 Job
Folder3 with 1 Job
Folder4 with 1 job
Folder5 with 1 job
Folder6 with 4 jobs

Please help!

Re: How to keep Switch from duplicating jobs

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:33 pm
by gabrielp
If you don't want Switch to duplicate them (to send them to two different connectors) then route them first into separate folders, each with its own assemble criteria. For example, you could have all of your jobs in "Jobs in", then route the ones with more than 1 file into "Multiple files" which goes into a single assemble. From "Jobs in", you could then route all other jobs to "Single files" which goes into its own assemble.

Honestly though, I think what you want to do can be done with a single assemble. Assemble based on 4 files coming in, set a timeout, and when an orphan timeout occurs, route it back into the flow to continue as a single.

Re: How to keep Switch from duplicating jobs

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:37 pm
by printlab
Thank you Gabriel!

We are going to go with the orphan time out.

Thank you for your time!