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SmartStream Imposition XML questions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:39 am
by lombert
Have some things that is strange when I try to setup an xml-flow.

The first is the Imposition Templates, if I use eg. 2_up_ss it works then I choose it both direct in SmartStream configurator and as a "Single-line text.." there I write '2_up_ss' and if I have the same text in the xml. But if I try to use one own impp-file 'Prospekt_210x297_45x32', it works inside the Indigo Production Pro Print Server and if I write it direct in the SmartStream configurator, but not if the same text is written in the xml-file. The I got an error in Switch; "Dynamic property 'impositionTemplate' has invalid value 'Prospekt_210x297_45x32'". Any suggestion?

The other is then to use "Define Additional Medias", how is it ment to be written in "Media Exceptions"? If I set that I think it should be, the jdf gets in to the error folder in the Indigo. My paper is named "Silk 450g 450x319" (And that paper can be used in "Default Media" in the xml-file.)
I have this line: 'Silk 450g 450x319,~1'
But I don't think that's the right way to write it? Any how have the correct line?

Re: SmartStream Imposition XML questions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:45 am
by sander ... tion#p4381

Everyone has the same problem, there's your fix ;)

Re: SmartStream Imposition XML questions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:25 pm
by lombert
sander wrote: ... tion#p4381

Everyone has the same problem, there's your fix ;)
Thanks! :oops:

Do you have a demo-flow there this is set-up? Or can you send me the Script package? I'm a real newbie then it came to Switch Scripts.. :(

And can my second question have the same reason?

Re: SmartStream Imposition XML questions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:58 pm
by sander

Set it up this way, so just set the Imposition Template value like you would do in the HP DFE JDF Configurator;

Unfortunately I haven't used the Additional Medias yet, but I know the Banner Sheet also has the same problem. So I'm not surprised if other media relates values have the same issues.

Re: SmartStream Imposition XML questions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:22 pm
by lombert
A very big thanks sander!! It works great! :D

So the first part is solved, just the second left..

Re: SmartStream Imposition XML questions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:31 pm
by sander
How about this:
Silk 450g 450x319, 1

Re: SmartStream Imposition XML questions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:32 pm
by lombert
lombert wrote:The other is then to use "Define Additional Medias", how is it ment to be written in "Media Exceptions"? If I set that I think it should be, the jdf gets in to the error folder in the Indigo. My paper is named "Silk 450g 450x319" (And that paper can be used in "Default Media" in the xml-file.)
I have this line: 'Silk 450g 450x319,~1'
But I don't think that's the right way to write it? Any how have the correct line?
I answer my self, it works now..

Change to 'Silk 450g 450x319,1' and it show it correct in the Indigo.. :roll:

Re: SmartStream Imposition XML questions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 1:37 pm
by sander
Good to hear you got it working man :D