New automanaged folders.

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New automanaged folders.

Post by youngy4130 »

Hi Everyone!

I've just upgraded to Switch 13 and so far there's been some pros and cons my biggest concern however is the automanaged folders.

These are completely locked down (I understand this is to stop them being scanned.) However we currently have some of our workflows linking into other workflows and switch won't let me connect a folder to an automanaged folder. Do they expect me to create a working folders area with lots of 'Flow 1 in' and 'Flow 1 out' folders?

Am I missing something really obvious? or does anyone have a better solution for connecting flows?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: New automanaged folders.

Post by gabrielp »

That's exactly what you're supposed to do. It has to do with some of the technical bits on how Switch operates behind the scenes. Non-automanaged folder management is a bit of a pain. This script is supposed to make that a bit easier. For now, I'd start replacing those automanaged folders with non-automanaged folders if they need to be accessible from other flows.
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