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SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:30 am
by lombert

I wanted to activate a banner on one jdf-flow, but I got something wrong.

I want the banner is printed on the same paper as the body. Or any paper that is loaded.

The default is Not set, but then the job is not started at the Indigo. And if I set the real paper eg "Silk 150g" as an 'Single-line text..' then it goes to error.


Here it says I should use "Use job substrate", and Yes! I want that. BUT! What is it I should pick in the list? Or write in 'Single-line text..'


I really think that HP has the best "Pop-up-help-text" there is.. ;)

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 10:05 am
by sander
I've been struggling with the banner sheet too, until I found HP Production Center doesn't pass the banner sheet JDF value to the DFE :x I ended up duplicating all my ticket templates with the banner sheet addition, and with some scripting logic select the banner sheet template.
Horrible to manage, but it works for now, and luckily HP is adding this 'feature' in a future release.

In my findings I had the idea the banner substrate is facing the same problem as the well known default media issue in the JDF configurator: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1284&p=4381&hilit=imposition#p4381

However, due to your topic I did a new test and select only the Default Media and Banner Substrate in the configurator, it's doing it's job correctly now...

I agree with the pop-up help text, I've been reading it over and over again haha. "Use job substrate" means use job substrate, so copy the same value as your Default Media in there.

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 11:08 am
by lombert

I'll got this error then I set the same xml-data (as the 'Default media') to the 'Substrate for Banner Sheet";

"Dynamic property 'bannerSubstrate' has invalid value 'Silk 150g 450x319'"

And the field is "[Metadata.Text:Path="/Prospekt/DefaultMedia",Dataset="Prospekt-pickup-xml",Model="XML"]" in both..

Or did I miss something? :?

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 11:34 am
by sander
That sounds like the good old Default Media bug, I bet we need to change the fix script from the other topic to include the Banner Substrate.

If you don't have the knowledge to do this I'll see if I can pick this up later today to add it.

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 11:47 am
by lombert
sander wrote:That sounds like the good old Default Media bug, I bet we need to change the fix script from the other topic to include the Banner Substrate.

If you don't have the knowledge to do this I'll see if I can pick this up later today to add it.
I'll try that, I have that fix in this flow already.. :)

Answer to quickly, I had the fix for Imposition Template..

I will be happy to get a updated script for this to.

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 1:42 pm
by sander
In my findings I had the idea the banner substrate is facing the same problem as the well known default media issue in the JDF configurator:
I mixed up two things over here, I meant the imposition template issue ;)

I can't reproduce the Banner Sheet bug at the moment, ugh, so I can't test it 100% now, but try this. It's the Imposition and Banner Sheet fix in one script, so we have one bugfix script in case we find any other bugs in the future :)

Code: Select all

// Is invoked each time a new job arrives in one of the input folders for the flow element.
// The newly arrived job is passed as the second parameter.
function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )
	var jdfDoc = new Document(job.getPath());
	var jdfNS = jdfDoc.createDefaultMap();
	var jdfLoc = job.createPathWithName(job.getName());
	// Imposition Template
	var fileSpec = jdfDoc.evalToNode("//jdf:JDF/jdf:ResourcePool/jdf:LayoutPreparationParams/jdf:ExternalImpositionTemplate/jdf:FileSpec", jdfNS);
	if (fileSpec != null) {
		var impositionTemplate = "urn:" + s.getPropertyValue("ImpositionTemplate");
		fileSpec.addAttribute("URL", jdfNS, impositionTemplate);
	// Banner Sheet
	var media = jdfDoc.evalToNode("//jdf:JDF/jdf:ResourcePool/jdf:GatheringParams/jdf:Disjointing/jdf:InsertSheet/jdf:Layout/jdf:Media", jdfNS);
	if (media != null) {
		var bannerSheet = s.getPropertyValue("BannerSheet");
		media.addAttribute("ProductID", jdfNS, bannerSheet);

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 1:56 pm
by sander
And I forgot to mention, but like the Imposition issue you have to choose a random Banner Sheet in the JDF configurator, e.g. Content. The script will overwrite it.

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 2:14 pm
by lombert
I though I could fixit just with the script-code, but I think I didn't get all things right..

Is it possible to get an complete script-package?

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 2:37 pm
by sander

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 2:57 pm
by lombert
Thanks. Now it change the parameter.


I will try this at the press on friday (Swedan has an holiday tomorrow so no work.. :) )

Thanks again, and I really need to learn the SwitchScripter, I thought I did the same as you.. :D

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 3:25 pm
by cstevens
Sorry for chiming in late here, but I just recently started following the Enfocus forums.

I think there are a few separate issues here:

1. Regarding the error on using single line text with variable for name of banner substrate, I believe this is a validation error within the configurator. Since the first selection option for banner substrate is a drop-down list, Switch validates the single-line text with variables and script expressions against the values in the drop-down list which is not the behavior I intended. I resolved this in version 9, but I ran into some issues during validation and I'm not sure when this version will be officially released. If you are interested in a "beta" version of version 9 send me a Private Message and I'll get it to you.
2. The issue with Production Center is that it doesn't pass the JDF GatheringParams resource through to the Indigo Printing work center by default, so although the JDF is being sent to Production Center, Production Center isn't passing that information on to the Production Pro. The workaround is complex, and is not upgrade friendly (i.e. if you upgrade Production Center you'll probably lose the change). It involves changing the default backing template for all jobs that get sent to the Production Pro. If the workaround of having this set in the ticket template works for you I would recommend that. If not, let me know and I can try to detail the workaround.
3. The "Use job substrate" issue is a defect. The correct behavior should be to set "Not set", but the configurator is currently passing the value of "Not set" through as the substrate name. I'll fix that. Also that pop-up text is outdated and should say "Not set" instead of "Use job substrate".

My apologies in general on these issues, I don't have much time to work on these configurators and testing is not where it should be.

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 4:11 pm
by sander
Good to see you hanging around here Chad ;)

1. I'm interested in v9, at least if it's possible to add both versions of the configurator in Switch. Do you know if that's possible?
2. It's not really critical, the ticket template trick works for now. We are running the latest beta of Production Center now, and Evgeny said it will be added as a feature after 2.0 is released.
3. Good to hear we finally have a official answer about the popup text haha, it has been a little confusing lately :lol:

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 4:36 pm
by cstevens
Unfortunately I don't think it's possible. I think the name of the configurator conflicts and overwrites the existing version. However version 9 doesn't change much in the way of functionality. It's mostly defect fixes. I think it's pretty safe to install.

I developed version 9 in Switch 13, so it is not backwards compatible with version 12.X hopefully that is not an issue. I'm hearing that a lot of customers are staying on 12 for the time being, so I'll probably port it back to that version before releasing it.

I'll email you the updated configurator.

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 4:40 pm
by lombert
I'm interested to. If it is just bug-fixes I feel safe to check it out. Has Switch 13.1..

Re: SmartStream Banner JDF

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 4:45 pm
by sander
Yeah, that way I feel safe to check it out too.
I'm also at 13.1, so that won't be a problem.