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Status and name of the flows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 3:54 pm
by congomonster

is it possible to get the names and status of all flows?

I want to display the status of the flows in a website. The scripting module is available. The web module not.
I thought the status can be triggered if the flow is enabled or disabled. Has anyone an idea how to get that working?

Re: Status and name of the flows

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 4:35 pm
by gabrielp
You can probably do this with web services, but I don't have it.

We were thinking of coming up with a simple script that we could drop in each flow. This script would report on the state of the flow and the flow name. If the flow gets held up, it would stop reporting. The downside is you need to make and host an endpoint to monitor and display the results.

Re: Status and name of the flows

Posted: Wed May 25, 2016 11:09 am
by Scheer
I'm currently developing a Zabbix-app for Switch, which makes it possible to monitor folders etc from Switch to Zabbix. Maybe that's interesting?

And also, I think in the next Switch release (13.2) the webservices-functionality will be expanded further, so the solution might be near. We will see that at Drupa :D