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SwitchClient : Previewing jobs

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:01 pm
by PremediaRossel

I have a PitStop based Flow in PowerSwitch.

With the SwitchClient I have the possibility of previewing the PDF's when

they are rejected (with a "submit point").

But is it a way to have the possibility of previewing jobs when the flow

is "Terminated" (so without creating a "submit point" ,

Best regards,


SwitchClient : Previewing jobs

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:37 am
by bert_vr
PremediaRossel wrote: Hello,

I have a PitStop based Flow in PowerSwitch.

With the SwitchClient I have the possibility of previewing the PDF's when

they are rejected (with a "submit point").

But is it a way to have the possibility of previewing jobs when the flow

is "Terminated" (so without creating a "submit point" ,

Best regards,



You can follow the job trial in the switchclient, thus chechking if the job has been terminated, but previewing needs to be done with a 'check point' element. Otherwise you could upload the jobs to a webserver to visualize all terminated jobs in a web browser. This does require scripting though.
