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Pitstop server upgrade from 4 to 13

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 1:47 pm
by kitoy
Hi Everyone,

Our small company is planning to upgrade our very old version(4) of our Pitstop server but they are asking what are the release notes or the major updates from 4 to 13. I know there is really big difference between those two but I need to have those lists to justify my suggestion and I could only find the 12-13 release notes on the site while nothing on google.

If anyone could help regarding the list, that would be much appreciated.

Looking forward for your reply.

~kit ian

Re: Pitstop server upgrade from 4 to 13

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:08 am
by bens

First, some caveats: there is no operating system that supports both 4 and 13, so if you want to upgrade PitStop Server you'll likely have to upgrade your OS as well. If you're running on Mac, you'll need to upgrade the hardware as well since 4 was PowerPC and 13 is (64-bit) intel.

Also, upgrading directly from 4 to 13 is not supported. You will have to recreate all hotfolders and set your preferences again. Upgrading one at a time (4 to 8 to 9 to 10 to 11 to 13) should work, but it might be better to start anew anyway.

Note that there has never been a version 5, 6, or 7.

The complete release notes are currently not available on the Enfocus website, but I can give you an overview of the most important changes.

PitStop Server 08 was a complete rewrite. The application was split into separate components running simultaneously, which allowed (among other things) taking advantage of multi-processor machines.
- Runs as a startup item on Mac OS X, service on Windows
- Simultaneous processing of multiple files on multi-processor machines
- Detailed logging
- Three different colour management engines: LittleCMS, Adobe CMM, System CMM
- Process folder hierarchies
- File renaming options
- Hot folder locking
- Import and export of hot folders

PitStop Server 09
- Greatly improved processing speed
- CLI to process files from the command line or through scripts

PitStop Server 10
- Transparency flattening
- Black Point Compensation
- New XML reports
- Annotated PDF reports

PitStop Server 11
- Smart Preflight: use variables from XML or JDF tickets to control processing

PitStop Server 12 ... 000jfcpIAA

PitStop Server 13 ... -server-13

Of course each version also updates the compatibility with new PDF features, PDF/X and GWG versions, and each is compatible with Action Lists and Preflight Profiles created in the corresponding PitStop Pro version, which means they also have all new checks and fixes added in those versions. At quick estimation suggests over 100 new actions have been added, some of which may be very interesting - for example add bleed, gather ink information, detecting printer marks, ...

Re: Pitstop server upgrade from 4 to 13

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:32 am
by kitoy
Thank you so much Bens.

Re: Pitstop server upgrade from 4 to 13

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:53 am
by melaniec
As a little side note: up until PitStop Server 12, an attempt was made to convert the PitStop Server 4 settings. This wasn't always a perfect match, but it could save you time when recreating your setup to you follow the 4 -> 12 -> 13 upgrade path.

Re: Pitstop server upgrade from 4 to 13

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:25 pm
by kitoy
Hi Melaniec,

I'll check on this. Any idea on how to convert it? Or maybe a link?

Re: Pitstop server upgrade from 4 to 13

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:26 pm
by melaniec
If you run the PitStop Server 12 installer, it will pick up the PitStop Server 4 installation on that system automatically.

Re: Pitstop server upgrade from 4 to 13

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:33 pm
by kitoy
Oh, I see. Glad to hear that. Thank you so much melaniec.