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Submit hierarchy without change of modification date?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:19 pm
by tkittel

While creating an flow to sort images, I'm wondering that the modification date changes while running the flow. Testing the minimum of steps, I created "submit hierarchy", a temporary folder and "archive hierarchy" at the end. Defining "submit hierarchy" as auto-managed everything works fine. Changing "submit hierarchy" to an user-managed input folder, the modification date of each file running through the flow will be updated.

How can I avoid this and kep the original modification date unchanged?


Submit hierarchy without change of modification date?

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 10:28 pm
by bert_vr

I find it somewhat strange that using auto-managed folders has a different result. The reason could be because Switch is adding a unique prefix to every file when submitting it into the flow.

If that shouldnt change the mod date, then you better check this with enfocus support.


Submit hierarchy without change of modification date?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 11:45 am
by tkittel
Hello all.

Testing again my problem described above, today I can't repeat my previous results. The change of modification date has nothing to do with auto- or user-managed folders!

Within the "submit hierarchy" element, the option "All folders" in the "process these folders" property, seems to be responsible. If I set this option to "No folders", than single files will pass the flow without change of modification date. Unfortunately now it is not possible anymore to process folders instead of single files and it becomes pointless to use the hierarchy elements.

Is there no way to keep the original modification date unchanged, even if the incoming files are placed in a folder structure with option 'processing folders' activated?


Submit hierarchy without change of modification date?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:09 am
by tkittel
Hello all,

the problem described above is still existing!

A fortnight ago, I submitted a testflow to the enfocus support team. Now I got the response with confirmation, that this behaviour is a bug, only in the mac version of switch, but up to version 11. Now it is forwarded to the QA team and enfocus will try to fix it with Switch 11 update 1.
