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Is it possible to address Swich Client alerts to particular user?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:20 am
by Ziggi

Presume there is a FTP site being used as a "dropbox" hot-folder for input jobs. Now, I would like to address alerts for some type of jobs to one Client user and alerts for another type of jobs to another Client user.

How to?
Thanks ahead!

Re: Is it possible to address Swich Client alerts to particular user?

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:19 pm
by lombert
I think I had done two checkpoints with different users and in that way make the alerts gets to the right person..

Re: Is it possible to address Swich Client alerts to particular user?

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:56 am
by ThomasDeschamps
You can also use Filter in Switch client, but the filter good use is up to the operators.
If it's too touchy, i do it the same way as Lombert, multiple checkpoint.