Functional Flow: Generate Thumbnail

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Functional Flow: Generate Thumbnail

Post by gabrielp »


This flow generates thumbnails from PDFs using PDF2Image (PitStop). The flow follows functional flow design and utilizes the portal callback pattern. It currently only handles making 350px thumbnails, but I'll extend it to handle dynamic sizes soon. It will make each thumbnail 350px in its longest dimension, maintaining the original aspect ratio. It will select the first page of the PDF and it will also crop to the trim box. Password protected PDFs are unsupported and are handled within the flow using an optional failure callback.

Get the most up to date flow and documentation here: ... sp=sharing

Scripts used: ... ble-assert
Chat: open-automation @ gitter
Code: open-automation & dominickp @ GitHub
Tools: Switch, Pitstop, EPMS, Veracore, PageDNA, SmartStream, Metrix
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