keeping file owner

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keeping file owner

Post by cristalica »

Hi there,

I start a filing process of PDF files via drag&drop into a network share, Switch takes the files and starts the process, at that momet, the file owner is the switch user and the original file owner is lost.

Is it possibe to keep the original file owner?

I need that information in order to log that data into a DB table.


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Re: keeping file owner

Post by gabrielp »

I don't know of a way of doing that, but you should look into the Switch Client because it has this functionality and is overall a better user experience than shared hotfolders.
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Re: keeping file owner

Post by TheCaptain »

Only problem with Switch Client is the cost for the user Licenses.

You could try using the MetaData to allocate a users Mac ID etc. This would be okay to run through a flow with.

A work around is to 'Attach email addresses' at the start of the Flow, but utilise the Variables instead of the address itself. This can be chased through the whole WorkFlow and picked up at multiple points along the way as Switch seems to be a bit obsessed with keeping track of email address info!
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Re: keeping file owner

Post by loicaigon »

I think that whatever option you are picking other than tools such as SwitchClient, a HTML form in combination of Webservices or Connect will all lead to tricks with their own specific weaknesses or cumbersomeness.

You could think of using a "send a hierachy" instead of a HOTFOLDER where each user would have to drag and drop his file in his allocated folder but it will be prone to errors just like filling xmp metadata before the job enters the flow (i.e. doing in Acrobat for ex.) will alos be a source of omissions.

As a starter, I can't recommend SwitchClient enough. The cost is not really important unless if you need 50 users to enter the loop because in this case, you may want to prefer webservices or connect.


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