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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:26 am
by Joerg Schober

I try to build a flow with automator, but it does not work:

A first automator step works: automtator takes a PDF and extracts the text. Within automator it is defined to save the text on the desktop. Switch pick up the resulting text and places it as expected on the defined internal switch-folder.

A second automator action fails:

Automator opens the text with text edit and AppleScript searches and replaces text in the document. Now the modified text does not find the way back to switch. I've tried different things: leave the text open, save the text (with Applescript), close the text (with Applescript), save and close (with Applescript). But switch does not recognize the modified text.

Any ideas?

Kind regards,



Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:51 pm
by dkelly
Is your AppleScript returning the path to the modified text file?


Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:24 am
by Joerg Schober
Is your AppleScript returning the path to the modified text file?
No, the file is opened (by switch?) under

/Library/Application Support/Enfocus/PowerSwitch Server/temp

and by AppleScript stored there.

Does switch need this path (or a different location) as return value?

Kind regard,



Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 2:58 pm
by dkelly
According to the page, the Applescript must return the path of the saved file. ... tions.html