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Blocking the Flow (or, how to stop things popping out the other end!)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:35 pm
by TheCaptain
Say a .PDF is input at one end of a Flow. Is there a way for it to disolve away, and not make it out the other end?

Specifically, rather than moving the file to a Bin of some sort, or emailing it on etc. Are we able to have Switch just forget about its Temporary Flow .PDF component and not take it any further. Maybe clear its temporary cache or something...?

Re: Blocking the Flow (or, how to stop things popping out the other end!)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:40 pm
by sander
Create a script with sendToNull?
sendToNull( path : String )
Marks the job as completed without generating any output. The path is ignored other than for marking the indicated file/folder for deletion.

Re: Blocking the Flow (or, how to stop things popping out the other end!)

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:16 pm
by gabrielp
Without scripting, if you throw it in a recycle bin or send it to a folder where the unique name prefix is removed, Switch will eventually run its cleanup and remove its metadata and job ticket information. So the easy answer is to just delete the job with a recycle bin when you're done processing.

What's your concern?

Re: Blocking the Flow (or, how to stop things popping out the other end!)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:20 pm
by TheCaptain
Okay, I've figured out what the hell I was on about :roll:

Apologies for dropping this thread into the mix and then abandoning!

In essence, I have always duplicated the Recycle Bin from other Flows and until now, never really thought about it. HOWEVER, what I realise I have done is assign the Recycle Bin location to one outside of Switch's internal structure. So the RB had a physical location at all times, and I mistakenly believed that this was the standard :?

The reason this raised its head was due to the fact that we have been trying to use Switch to launch / file / action different scenarios where it would need a 'Trigger' file to set things in motion, but then to abandon the file as it is of no consequence.

I'm thinking both of your ideas above would do that so I'll skulk back into the shadows!
