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Corrupt Sessions break certified log

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:16 pm
by irep

I am lost. I can't see two sessions comparison side by side in Acrobat DC 2015.017
I have activated the Certified function on this pdf ( ). I activated the Take SnapShot command in Acrobat, I made some changes and saved the document almost twice with modifications each time.
But when I open it and ask Enfocus PitStop 13 to show History


and I choose two different sessions in the Enfocus Certified History panel and ask for visually (side by side)… then Acrobat shows me a report but not two views with the different session. I must say that the report itself says "Summary: identical pages".

What could be wrong ?

Thank you.

Re: Comparison doesn't show up side by side

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 5:53 pm
by irep
Actually, it seems that the problem concerns corrupt sessions. I am sorry but it is a true nightmare.

I have tried tons of settings and searched 50 % of the Internet :)

My Mac is: Acrobat DC 2015 and PitStop 13 update 2 (the versions that I used so far).

After editing one vector path with pitstop arrow tool and clicking the Save and Sign PitStop green floppy disk icon I sometimes got this:


«Signing the digital signature failed: fEnfocus_SaveAndSign failed with the message: Object is dead.»

Nevertheless, a Rev. 2 Session appears in the signatures left panel


Please note they are both in blue, almost one “requires validating”

If… I open the History panel and select two sessions and ask to compare them side by side or “Using the Edit Log, I get this error message :


I clicked on the Validate All button on the left panel (signatures). Then I get one checkmark in red :


And in the History panel I get corrupt sessions (they were already corrupt in the previous step actually):


Thought the Certificate details show it is trusted:


Once I encountered this one :


Here is my workflow and results when it works fine (it worked fine today for the first time!) :
  • I don’t create a personal self-signed signature
  • Here are the Security settings in Acrobat:


  • I open my very simple .pdf (
  • I start the Edit log
  • Then I ask “Enfocus Sign and save as…” in the Acrobat File menu
  • I choose a location where to save in
  • The comment session and snapshot option panel opens, I type one word and check or let checked the “Save SnapShot” (or so) checkmark button
  • Then the signature left panel opens with a green checkmark
  • After editing one vector path with the PitStop Arrow tool  and click on the Sign and Save (Pitstop Floppy disk icon button), the signature is still marked in green, but Rev. 2 is not created in the signature panel.
  • Still the same after several editions
  • The History Dialog Box seems OK with several sessions recorded.
  • Except for this: If choose to compare two sessions Side by Side, Acrobat displays a simple report with red text:
  • «Page by Page Comparison Documents Compared document A document B Summary Pages are identical»
  • I have to reopen the pdf document to see all the revisions in the signature panel

Any Idea why the Sessions got suddenly corrupt ?

Thank you.

Re: Corrupt Sessions break certified log

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 12:01 pm
by bens

I'm not sure about the corrupt sessions or the very strange "Object is dead" error. I think you should contact Enfocus support about this.

The part about visual compare of sessions not showing any differences is a known Acrobat bug I'm afraid. Adobe has confirmed it but were unable to provide a workaround or commitment on when it would be fixed.

Re: Corrupt Sessions break certified log

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:29 pm
by irep
Thank you bens for not leaving me alone.

How could I recommend PitStop to my client? I Installed PitStop 13 u2 demo on his machine with Acrobat DC 2015 on a 2-year-old Mac and bam same bugs.
Just to be sure, I went back to my Mac I start a new try: bug again although it worked fine sometimes.

Please have a look at this video:

I will write to the support team but I am on a demo.

Re: Corrupt Sessions break certified log

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 6:23 pm
by bens
Nice video showing the problem, with that Enfocus support should certainly be able to tell you something.

Did you try closing and reopening the file between saves?

Re: Corrupt Sessions break certified log

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2016 1:59 am
by irep
Yes I closed the document.

Could make a test on your computer ?

Please note that I also tried all those tests (all failed) :
  • I Activated Root user on MacOS and started a new session as root.
  • I Repaired permissions with Terminal: sudo /usr/libexec/repair_packages --repair --standard-pkgs /
    The only problem remaining after this was: "Permissions differ on "Applications/", should be lrwxr-xr-x , they are -rw-r--r--“
  • I booted the Mac without extensions (shift key pressed on startup).
  • I closed and reopened the test documents or quit and relaunched the Acrobat application at different tests' step.
  • I waited variable amount of time between the first "Enfocus sign and save as" and the second ""Enfocus sign and save" because once it worked fine, but I wasn't able to reproduce the "miracle".
  • I uninstalled and reinstalled Acrobat DC and PitStop 13 u2.
  • I installed another demo of PitStop on a more recent Mac at another office.
  • I used FontDoctor 10 (from Extensis) to check my fonts.

Re: Corrupt Sessions break certified log

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 11:49 pm
by irep
Today I have made a test on Windows 7, Acrobat DC (last version) and PitStop 13 Update 2 and I encounter the same issue described in the video I posted above. The message is different, it accuses Acrobat :(


Please note: Windows 7 runs on my Mac with VirtualBox. Nevertheless… isn't it weird ?

Re: Corrupt Sessions break certified log

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:35 pm
by jonasy
This has been reported to us and will be investigated to be fixed in a future version. For all the people having this issue, it is possible to avoid it by using "Save" instead of "Sign and Save" in the Acrobat file menu.

All the people reporting issues via the official support channels get a notification when a version of the software is released which includes a fix. If you wish to receive a notification when a version is released with a fix for this issue, please contact us via an official support channel such as the support portal:

Jonas Yde
Enfocus Support