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Switch Client thumbnail

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:42 am
by lombert
Is it possible to have a thumbnail of any sort on files other than eg pdf?

I have some flows that only uses xml-, txt- or jdf-files and then I get a blank thumbnail. Witch is understandable but can I some how get a "thumbnail" into a this files and then it will be shown in the Client? There are always a corresponding pdf in the flow somewhere there I can get the thumbnail..


EDIT: Change "Preview" to "Thumbnail" as the question is about that..

Re: Switch Client Preview

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:57 am
by freddyp
You could put the PDF in the checkpoint instead and set "Enable report viewing" to "Yes" with "Report dataset name" set to the dataset that contains the text, xml, jdf, ... When opening the job in the checkpoint you will then have an action to view the report and Switch Client will open that file with the default viewer/editor for that file type.

Re: Switch Client Preview

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:05 am
by lombert
Maybe I was not so clear. It is just the litle thumbnail I need in the Client, I don't need to "open" the file from the Client.

Re: Switch Client thumbnail

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:27 pm
by TheCaptain
I haven't tested this, and don't even know if this is an actual possibility but...

Are the icons of these files changeable : /Users/MYNAME/Library/Application Support/Enfocus/SwitchClient/DummyFile.jpg

Perhaps adding in a unique file of the type you are after, and adding a custom icon would work?