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Calculate working days in mail

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 7:44 am
by Jarmer

I need to calculate working days in a mail, when I receive a XML file then I tricker a mail that needs this information.

is it possible use the "define condition with variables"with "Calculation" in some way ?


Re: Calculate working days in mail

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 11:15 am
by freddyp
The calculation of a new date is not a straightforward calculation. A date has to be converted to a number and after the calculation back to a date. And you will need several if's and even more if you want to take holidays into account. This is not possible without a script expression.

Here is a start:
var now = new Date();
var nowInMilliseconds = Date.parse(now.toString());
var dayInMilliseconds = 86400000;
var nrOfDays;
if (now.getDay() < 5) { //5=Friday
nrOfDays = 1;
} else {
nrOfDays = 3;
var then = new Date(nowInMilliseconds+(nrOfDays*dayInMilliseconds));

The fine-tuning is up to you.

Re: Calculate working days in mail

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2016 6:12 pm
by gabrielp
Not super easy to adapt, since it uses DateInterval and a PHP library called Business, but I did something similar in a PHP project once. This calculates the number of business minutes that have elapsed between two dates based on some defined hours. This is helpful in our case because if someone submits an estimate on 4pm on a Friday and the estimator submits the quote on 10am on the following Monday, it would calculate that only 2 business hours have elapsed.

Code: Select all

            // Opening hours for each week day. If not specified, it is considered closed
            $days = [
                // Standard days with fixed opening hours
                new Day(Days::MONDAY, [['9 AM', '5 PM']]),
                new Day(Days::TUESDAY, [['9 AM', '5 PM']]),
                new Day(Days::WEDNESDAY, [['9 AM', '5 PM']]),
                new Day(Days::THURSDAY, [['9 AM', '5 PM']]),
                new Day(Days::FRIDAY, [['9 AM', '5 PM']]),
            // Business
            $business = new Business($days);
            // One minute interval
            $interval = new \DateInterval('PT1M');
            // Get all business minutes between estimate creation date and now
            $minutes = $business->timeline($estimateCreatedDateTime, new \DateTime('now'), $interval);
            $businessMinutes = count($minutes);
You can get check out Business here:

You could adapt this to work in Scripter but it would be difficult. But it would be pretty straightforward to make a script that calls the PHP CLI to run this. Just something to think about! :P