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Pick up only loose files

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:19 pm
by Terkelsen
At first sight this might sound simple, but it has turned out to be quite challenging (at least to me :?)

I want Switch to pick up files from a certain directory on an FTP Server. This directory holds loose files and many folders. I only want to pick up the loose files on the first level - NOT the folders and NOT the files that are in these subfolders.

The number of folders and the names may vary, which means I can't use "Exclude folders named".

If I set the connection from the FTP Receive to exclude Job Folders it will leave the folders but still pick up files in those folders.

Going up one level on the FTP is not an option. The folder from which I'm picking up files, is the top folder (or at least I'm not allowed access to the level above)

Is there a way to pick up only loose files on the top level and nothing else?

Re: Pick up only loose files

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 9:45 am
by freddyp
I have not tested it, but I would think that using * in "Define folder patterns" for "Excluding folders named" should do the trick.

Re: Pick up only loose files

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:23 am
by Terkelsen
Thanks Freddy. Works perfect!