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Hold Job on Name based

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 11:15 am
by numnational
Hy all,

Here is my problem.

I put a pdf file in "IN" folder. He go directly in Folder 14 and i want he wait the second file who go in "Enfocus PDF2Image" and when the jepg is out in "Folder 14" they go in "OUT" folder together. But i want this with the same name of file, not a number... ... 8.jpg?dl=0


Re: Hold Job on Name based

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 11:51 am
by sander
This can be achieved via different ways.

Based on your flow I would do this.

Most left Rename Job:
- Remember original name: Yes

Right Rename Job:
- Replace on Filename proper. Replace by: [Job.PrivateData:Key="Original",Before=".pdf"]

Assemble job:
- Scheme: Filename patterns
- Pattern 1: *.pdf
- Pattern 2: *.jpeg

Re: Hold Job on Name based

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:40 pm
by numnational
Thanks for your answer.

I make this and it work perfectly as i want.


And it's most easy than your example because i don't need to have rename job.

In assemble Job
Scheme : Custom
Job identifier : Job Name proper
Number of files : 2
Job folder name : Job Name proper

Re: Hold Job on Name based

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2016 1:50 pm
by sander
Hmm, you are correct.

I noticed my jpg was named -1, -2 etc. due to multipage pdf :)

Good to hear you got it working!