Switch: Increment filename (number of page) +1

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Switch: Increment filename (number of page) +1

Post by senghaas »

Hi Folks,
I have to increment the filename of PDF-Files. The Three-digit number of pages at 13th to 15th place must be incremented by one (+1).
When I use the enclosed Script (Screenshot), there is only the pure page number left.
How can I get the whole name and only count the number?

Any Idea? Thanks a lot in advance!

Original filename:


Expected filename:
screen_switch-flow_dateiname-um-eins-hochzaehlen_community.png (55.9 KiB) Viewed 1597 times
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Re: Switch: Increment filename (number of page) +1

Post by freddyp »

You do not have to script that. Rename the name proper of the job with a search and replace. Search for the regular expression [1-9]\d*\. (1 through to 9 followed by zero or more digits followed by a dot; this is to avoid picking up the leading zeroes) and replace by [Switch.Calculation:Expression="[Job.NameProper:Search="[1-9]\d*\."]+1"]. (the dot here is not the end of the sentence, you actually have to type it as the search includes the dot, so the replace also has to add it).
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