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Release Jobs on sort count

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 1:50 pm
by Tesmondo
Hi Folks

I would like to set up a flow whereby all Jobs 1 are released when all sorts arrive at a folder


Job 1 Sort No 1 Sort Quantity 3
Job 1 Sort No 2 Sort Quantity 3
Job 1 Sort No 3 Sort Quantity 3

The job has the same Job name and Sort quantity in the xml but the Sort No and pdf is different

Is there any way to make this work - we cannot use a timer.

Any flow examples would be greatly appreciated

Thanks :)

Re: Release Jobs on sort count

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:27 pm
by freddyp
You will need "Assemble job" for this. I think the "Scheme" has to be defined as "Custom" with "Job identifier" defined as a variable pointing to the job name in the XML and "Number of files" defined as a variable pointing to the sort quantity in the XML. The name of the job and the sort number are irrelevant when set up like this.

Warning: with "After N minutes" set to "0" the assembly will wait until the orphan timeout is reached, so do not forget to increase that value if the time needed for all jobs of the group to arrive can take longer than the default value of 15 minutes.