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Dropbox Settings

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:46 pm
by Jamesnic7
Has anyone managed to setup a link to dropbox to upload job files using the HTTP Configurator.
I have created an app on the account and obtained a token but I keep getting "401" Uthentification errors.

Re: Dropbox Settings

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:01 pm
by cstevens
If you look at the documentation in the Scripting help for HTTP it shows how to do this in the scripting interface:

Code: Select all

function jobArrived( s : Switch, job : Job )
  var theHTTP = new HTTP( HTTP.SSL ); 

  theHTTP.authScheme = HTTP.OauthAuth;
  theHTTP.authorization = "authorization string";
  theHTTP.setAttachedFile( job.getPath() );
  theHTTP.url = "";; 

  job.log( 4, "Upload started", 100);
  while( !theHTTP.waitForFinished( 3 ) )
  job.log( 5, "Uploading...", theHTTP.progress() );
  job.log( 6, "Upload finished" ); 
  job.log( 1, "Server response: %1", theHTTP.getServerResponse().toString( "UTF-8" ) );
  if( theHTTP.finishedStatus == HTTP.Ok && theHTTP.statusCode == 200 )
      job.log( 1, "Upload completed successfully" );
  { "Upload failed with the status code %1", theHTTP.statusCode );
  job.sendToSingle( job.getPath() );
I don't see why you couldn't do the same with the HTTP element if you set the following properties:

Re: Dropbox Settings

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:03 pm
by cstevens
I'm not sure if the HTTP element uses SSL or not, that would be a possible hangup.